sanatorio que se hallaba abandonado desde el año 2008, año en que se
trasladó hacia su nueva sede / construido en 1946 y de valor patrimonial
“medio” (según el catálogo brindado por el gobierno) / denota un claro
eclecticismo asociativo proveniente de una arquitectura academicista,
muy común en la Inglaterra y Argentina del s. XIX / víctima del descuido y
abandono / olvidado por muchos, valorado por pocos…sólo un mero
registro fotográfico que perdurará en la posteridad…
Old sanatorium which was abandoned since 2008, when it moved into its new headquarters / built in 1946 and heritage value "medium" (according to the catalog provided by the government) / denotes a clear eclectic association from the academy architecture, very common in the XIX century in England and Argentina / victim of neglect and abandonment / forgotten by many, appreciated by few ... just a mere photographic record that will last for posterity ...
Old sanatorium which was abandoned since 2008, when it moved into its new headquarters / built in 1946 and heritage value "medium" (according to the catalog provided by the government) / denotes a clear eclectic association from the academy architecture, very common in the XIX century in England and Argentina / victim of neglect and abandonment / forgotten by many, appreciated by few ... just a mere photographic record that will last for posterity ...
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